We are a worshiping community
committed to the Word of God,
bonded together by the Love of Christ,
and striving through the Spirit to overcome evil with good.


As a worshiping community committed to the Word of God we will:

~ recognize that as Truth, the Word of God is the final authority for our lives and the foundation for our worldview and as such should be preached, studied and memorized.

~ recognize that worship is a transformative act that encompasses all of our lives and we will encourage one another to respond to God 24/7/365.

~ recognize that we are not individuals in the Body of Christ but rather members of the Body of Christ, as such, we encourage and strengthen one another.


As we are bonded together by the Love of Christ we will:

~ realize that love motivated Christ to sacrifice Himself for us, and we will submit to Christ’s teaching to learn to love one another in sacrificial ways.

~ Search for means to love each member, friend, and visitor or this local church.



As we are striving through the Spirit to overcome evil with good we will:

~ recognize that evil is the corruption of the good that God created, and we are to be about the work of restoring that good.

~ recognize the work of the Spirit in:

~ revealing the evil within and without us.

~ revealing to us that we are sinners in need of a savior.

~ revealing through the Word that Jesus is that Savior.

~ transforming believers into the likeness of Jesus Christ.

~ recognize that we are tools used by God. As such, we will look to God, more than to ourselves, for instruction in this endeavor.